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find answers to your most burning questions with our essiac tea faq

We compiled these Essiac Tea FAQ for your convenience. We get it - this product can seem confusing when you're new to it! We are here to help. If you'd like an easy-to-understand short guide, download our Essiac Tea Users Guide for Free here.

essiac tea faqAfter looking through our FAQ, you will practically be an essiac expert yourself!


Our Essiac Formula
Essiac Tea in General
Our Powdered Herbs
Our Shipping Options and Costs, and International Orders
Packaging, Preparation and Storage of Essiac Tea
Your Essiac Tea Order

regarding our essiac formula

Do you use the whole sheep sorrel plant, including the roots, in your formula?
Yes, of course! That is the how Rene Caisse made essiac and it's how we make it, too. The sheep sorrel we use is 20% root - which means that it contains the whole root. Click here to learn more about essiac and sheep sorrel root.

Where are you located?
We're based out of Haverhill, Massachusetts, USA. Haverhill is approximately 45 minutes north of Boston.

How long have you been in the herbal tea business?
We have been making and distributing essiac since 1986. This website was launched in July 2005 as another means to distribute our essiac.

How many customers have used your product?
The eight herb essiac tea formula we carry has been taken by hundreds of thousands of people all over the world. 

Do you guarantee your product?
Yes! we have both a 110% Essiac Tea Price-Match Guarantee AND a 6-Month 100% Money-Back Guarantee. We don't want you to simply be satisfied - we want you to be thrilled with our product! Please note that some people experience improvements very quickly, while for others it can take up to six months to notice improvement. Stick with it! If you are one of the few who don't notice a benefit from the tea even after the six months, we've got you - we will refund every penny. Read more about how we have the best essiac tea that money can buy.

Do you offer customer support?
Yes. You may contact us using our contact form. You may also call us at 1-978-504-9517 from 9am-9pm ET 7 days per week. We respond to email within 24 hours from Monday through Saturday.

How can I order?
We recommend that you place your order via our secure online shopping. Click here for the product list that leads you to the shopping cart: Essiac Product List. We accept all major credit cards, PayPal and Venmo there.

If you prefer to place a telephone order using a credit card, you can call us anytime at 1-978-504-9517. We answer from 9am-9pm ET 7 days per week. In the unusual event that we can't pick up, please leave a message with your name, phone number and a good time to call back and we will return your call promptly. 

If you prefer to send in a mail order (which you can pay for via credit card, check or money order) you can send in a check, money order or phone number that we can call to ask for your credit card. You should include a note about the product you want and the name and address we should send it to.  Domestic orders 10 lb. or under ship free via 2-3 Day Priority Mail. If you are ordering to be shipped to another country outside of the U.S. or you are ordering more than 10 lb. please contact us about shipping fees. Be sure to include your full name and shipping address as well as the weight of your order (how many packets and what size they are each). Be sure to write somewhere that you are placing an order, not paying for a product that has already been shipped.

We can also create Paypal or credit card invoices and send them directly to your email address if you have trouble with the shopping cart or if you need a custom or wholesale order.

essiac tea sun spots testimonialWe see many of these testimonials on Facebook all the time!

Is essiac hard to make?
Not in the least! It takes just 10 minutes once every two weeks to prepare. Learn more about how easy essiac is to make here.

The price at the nutrition shop for Flor-Essence tea or essiac seems outrageous. You seem to have the exact same ingredients, but does your mixture have the same ratios, and are your herbs of the highest quality?
Our essiac includes the same eight herbs as these more expensive products. However, we will never know the exact formula that another company is using; unless it's four herb essiac, the formulas are kept a company secret. However, we DO know that our formula is the most effective ever found in clinical trials and documented in the book The Essiac Report by Richard Thomas. It IS "the real thing." It is the result of the research Rene Caisse and Dr. Charles Brusch conducted over an eight-year period. Watch a documentary on Rene's life and work here. Click on these links for more info: How to Make Sure You Have Authentic Essiac as well as Eight Herb Essiac. Learn more about how our tea compares to Flor Essence. See more on our herb quality here.

Do you have testimonials?
Yes! Here are some that were sent in by our customers: Essiac Tea Testimonials. We began gathering them in 2005 and there are some from each and every year since then represented, even if all of them don't carry dates.

Why does your essiac tea cost more than what I see on Amazon and other places online?
Be very careful when you compare essiac brand costs. Most of the brands you'll see don't have the legitimate formula, so even if those are cheaper oz. for oz. (which would be highly unusual), they are a waste of money and not worth buying. Even if you do find a legitimate brand, for the most part they sell essiac in smaller quantites than we do if they list a lower price.

You have to compare cost of oz. per oz. to know which is actually the better deal. Most companies sell a week or two's worth of essiac at a time, while we sell months or even a year plus at a time depending on what you order. Our tea costs less than $1 per day to use. It's super inexpensive! See the real cost differences between our essiac and what you'll find on Amazon.

Can I get pre-bottled essiac from you to save time?
This isn't a financially sustainable choice for many people, and that's one of the reasons we don't sell it. It costs about $7 per day to use, whereas ours costs less than $1 per day to use! Even if you can afford it, it only takes 10 minutes once every two weeks to prepae your essiac tea. And another benefit of preparing it yourself is that there are no preservatives, and you can leave the powdered herbs in the tea and consume them, just as Rene Caisse recommended. Learn more about powdered essiac versus pre-bottled.

If your essiac is the best, how can you sell it so inexpensively?
The average herb retailer is making a HUGE profit when they sell essiac tea at high prices. The herbs for essiac tea simply do not cost that much! Of course, health food stores have to pay for their overhead costs including the costs of their retail store and their staff - but they still turn a huge profit. 

At, we make just a small profit per order, but our goal is to generate more orders than all of the other companies because of our attentive and educated customer service as well as our low prices. Also, because we sell a tremendous amount of essiac, we have been able to negotiate huge volume discounts from the herb companies who supply us. We also avoid the overhead costs of having retail stores and a large staff to sell a big variety of products. We've kept things simple by only offering one product* that we know works - and that we know sells! And essiac can have such a positive effect on all the body systems that almost everyone, no matter what their health issue is, can benefit from using essiac. 

*We did add CBD to our product line recently due to customer demand. Customers wanted an affordable brand of CBD they could trust, and we delivered! We also sell stevia to help sweeten the essiac. But, essiac tea is what we specialize in and we don't have plans to expand our product line any  further.

How does your essiac tea taste?
Real essiac has a slightly bitter taste. Don't worry - you can add unsweetened fruit or vegetable juice or stevia if the taste bothers you. Most folks adapt to it pretty quickly and it's a non-issue. If you have essiac that isn't slightly bitter, it's not real essiac! Go here for a deeper discussion on the taste of our essiac.

essiac tea frequently asked questionsDon't overpay for a lesser product by buying pre-bottled essiac - the powdered tea is the authentic essiac at a far less expensive price.

regarding essiac tea in general

How do I pronounce that word exactly?
Go here to learn the pronounciation! 

What IS essiac, exactly? 
It's a blend of eight herbs that helps support the body's immune system as well as provide a full body detox. See our Essiac 101 article to learn the essentials about this herbal product. If you want a quick explanation of what essiac tea is for, check out this article.

How did the use of essiac tea start?
Essiac is a Native American herbal formula. Get the full scoop on the history here!

Is essiac tea the same thing as Caisse tea?
Yes, it's referring to the same thing. The word essiac is actually "Caisse" spelled backwards! The tea is named after Rene Caisse, the Canadian nurse who brought essiac tea into widespread use. Read more about "Caisse Tea" benefits.

What can essiac do for me?
Essiac tea's primary actions are to remove heavy metals, detoxify the body, restore energy levels, and rebuild the immune system. All of these actions help restore the body to a level in which it is able to better defeat illness using its own resources. This means that essiac does not cure you - it simply supports your body to work once again as nature intended, and that is to be self-healing. Learn more about how essiac works.

In other words, essiac rebuilds the immune system and improves the illness-defeating capacity of the body so that the body can have the ability once again (just as nature intended) to rid itself of illness and disease. For a list of possible benefits from essiac tea, please visit: Benefits you may receive from Essiac Tea. To see which health problems may make you a candidate to try essiac, click here: Essiac Tea and Health Problems. For more information about essiac, check out these essiac tea resources.

Which type of essiac is most effective?
Eight herb essiac is more effective than four herb. You also want to be sure your essiac tea is powdered. Powdered essiac works the best. Click here to learn more.

Will essiac cure cancer or other diseases?
Essiac is not a drug and therefore not FDA approved as a treatment. Essiac is not a cancer cure or a cure for any other disease. Due to the beneficial properties of essiac tea listed above, many people who take essiac report developing a stronger immune system which then results in improved health and well-being. A healthy body is a body that is better equipped to fight disease and infection using it's own resources. Essiac tea is not a cure or a medicine. 

Can I take essiac along with radiation or chemotherapy? 
Yes, in fact essiac tends to improve the quality of life for a person on chemo and/or radiation. However, because chemo and/or radiation can destroy the chemicals and compounds that allow essiac tea to do its job, we recommend that you take the Aggressive PLUS serving size of 6 oz. of tea three times per day, rather than the regular Improvement of Health/Aggressive serving size of 3 oz. of tea three times per day while you are receiving these treatments. Learn more about taking essiac along with chemo.

From our experience and observation, we've found that people on chemotherapy and radiation tend to have best results taking 6 oz. three times per day. However, some individuals have chosen 3 oz. three times per day and also had good results. Personally, if we had a loved one taking chemo and radiation, we would recommend 6 oz. three times per day to be on the safe side.

Can children use essiac?
Absolutely! Go here to read more about giving essiac to children. Go here to read about giving essiac to babies.

Can I take essiac with other alternative or traditional treatments?
Yes. Essiac tea will not interfere in an adverse or negative way with any other conventional or alternative treatment. You are advised to consult with your practitioner before making a decision on whether or not essiac is a product you should pursue. If you are concerned about how your body will respond, ease into your essiac tea usage gradually, taking 1/2 or 1/3 of the full serving size at first and check in. We are not medical professionals. We can only share the information that has been reported back to us over the years and the information forwarded by Rene Caisse and Dr. Charles Brusch, which is where the above advice comes from.

If I am juicing, how should I approach taking essiac?
Great question! The short answer is that any pure natural fruit/vegetable juice with the fiber removed can be considered "empty stomach" for the purposes of essiac. Essiac and juicing make a great pair! Learn more about how essiac and juicing can work together.

How does essiac affect pH in the body?
Essiac tea has a beneficial affect on regulating the body's pH according to Rene Caisse's research. Read more about herbal tea and pH.

When can I expect to notice a benefit from taking essiac?
This is a highly individualized thing. Some people notice an increased sense of health, well-being and energy just days after starting essiac tea. Others find that it takes weeks or even months to notice a tangible benefit. Most people start noticing an improvement in their general health and well-being after couple of weeks taking essiac tea regularly. Follow our Essiac Tea Serving Size Recommendations for at least 6 months if you are interested in improving your health. Please do not decide that the essiac tea is not working before you've reached the six month mark. Sometimes the changes take a little while to show up. Please be patient!

How long should I continue taking essiac tea?
That is ultimately your decision. However, we recommend that you take the Improvement of Health/Aggressive serving size, which is 3 oz. three times per day, until your test results return to normal and your health is completely restored. After that point, we recommend that you continue to take the maintenance serving size of 3 oz. twice per day. If your health problems should ever return, we recommend immediately increasing your serving size back to the Improvement of Health/Aggressive serving until your test results return to normal. It is fine to continue on the Aggressive serving size for life. There is no need to take a week off or otherwise take a break using essiac. Read more about that here. For more info on how long to continue to take essiac click here.

Why do some other companies say that you only need 2 oz. once or twice per day?
It's for a variety of reasons. But the main circumstance when this is the case is because the brand is selling 4 herb essiac. Since our product has more herbs, you end up with a larget serving size. Go here for more details on why some brands recommend less essiac than we do. Ours is fashioned after the advice of Rene Caisse and Dr. Charles Brusch.

I was told to never consume sea vegetables due to the iodine content. Can you make me kelp free essiac?
We won't make kelp free essiac because we have not seen the same results when we prepare a formula without the kelp. The kelp is a tiny percent of the formula and so far we have had zero reported ill effects from those who consume essiac as directed. You can read more about this issue here.

I was told to stay away from red clover, but I want to take essiac. What should I do?
You don't have to worry about the red clover as a part of this formula. It's a very small percentage of the formula, and the essiac with red clover taken out will change the way the formula works. The combination of the eight herbs removes any problematic effects that taking red clover alone might cause. We have dealt with thousands of customers who have had this very same question, and so far not a single adverse reaction or issue has been reported. For more info. and videos on essiac and red clover go here.

I heard (insert any essiac myth)...
Learn about common essiac myths and misconceptions here: Essiac Myths.

If I am healthy, can essiac tea hurt me? Can I take the Improvement of Health/Aggresive serving size even if I am generally a healthy person?
Essiac tea is not capable of hurting you. On the contrary, it can act as a preventive aid against developing health problems in the future. We know many people who take the Improvement of Health/Aggressive serving size of 3 oz. three times per day for general health and daily detoxification. While it may not be necessary to take the Improvement of Health/Aggressive serving size as a healthy person, essiac can't hurt you in the amounts that the herbs are present in the tea. Many of the ingredients are commonly found in soups and salads or international cuisine. Personally, the staff at are all healthy (thank goodness) and we still take the Improvement of Health/Aggressive serving size to maintain our good health. However, our official Maintenance suggestion is 3 oz. twice per day.

Can I take essiac while pregnant or breastfeeding?

I'm worried that I might be allergic to essiac.
This is highly unlikely. In our 16 years of having this site, we have had zero reports of an essiac allergy. However, consult with your allergist if you are concerned. We have Nutrition facts here.

What is essiac tea typically used for?
For a list of benefits of essiac tea, click here. 

Is there any way essiac tea can hurt me or be a negative experience?
There isn't anything in essiac that can hurt a person. But, always consult with your practitioner if you have concerns. The only reported side effect is that you might experience mild stomach/intestinal irritation upon starting the Improvement of Health/Aggressive serving sie of 3 oz. three times per day. This may include mild nausea and/or loose stools or an increased frequency in needing to use the bathroom. This is actually a good thing: it's a sign of detoxification and will not harm your body as long as you're able to tolerate any mild discomfort. If you are bothered by these symptoms, start with 1/2 to 1/3 of the recommended serving size and ease your way into taking the full serving.

What's the biggest drawback to using essiac
Probably the commitment to take it three times per day on an empty stomach. It's not a big deal with a little planning, but it still takes a bit of commtment. Many people find that it works well to bring the essiac with them in a thermos with a few ice cubes as they go about their day. Another drawback is that essiac isn't a "quick fix" for most. However, the best things in life are often worth waiting for!

Can I take essiac if I am on medication?
You can take essiac along with your medications. Read more about it here: Medication and Essiac Tea.

Is Essiac Blood Thinning? Essiac doesn't technically thin the blood like warfarin or coumadin do. Because of that, you can take essiac if you are on those medications. Essiac can help remove excess fats and cholesterol from the blood, but if your blood is already in good standing it won't affect those levels. Essiac simply helps bring things back to neutral if they have deviated.

If I'm having surgery soon, do I need to stop essiac? 
Always follow your surgeon's recommendations about what you can and can't take before surgery. In general, it is wise to avoid taking essiac tea for two days prior to your surgery to be sure that there will be no problem with having your procedure. In most cases, you can resume essiac tea as soon as you are able to eat or drink normally again after surgery. Consult with your surgeon for more individual advice.

Which herbs are found in eight herb essiac?
The eight herbs that make up essiac are: blessed thistle, burdock root, kelp, red clover, sheep sorrel, slippery elm bark, turkish rhubarb root, and watercress. The herbs, which all have benefits of their own, seem to have a synergistic (additive) effect when taken together in the specific essiac tea ratio. To learn more about the properties of these herbs, please visit: Essiac Tea Ingredients. 

Why would I choose eight herb essiac instead of four herb essiac?
Four herb essiac is an outdated formula. Eight herb essiac was widely researched and studied by Dr. Brusch and Rene Caisse, who found it to be the best performing formula. This information is documented in the book The Essiac Report by Richard Thomas. You can also watch Rene Caisse's documentary to learn more about her life and her development of the essiac formula that we have today.

We have hundreds of thousands of satisfied customers who are healthy and continue to take eight herb essiac at Maintenance serving after their test results have returned to normal. They will attest to the efficacy of eight herb essiac and to the fact that they believe it is superior to four herb blends. While four herb essiac is targeted for liver detoxification, eight herb essiac results in both liver and colon detoxification for a more complete detox regimen. The four herb formula has a lot of fans, but the eight herb formula has even more. To read more about the merits of eight herb essiac and the history behind it, please visit: Eight Herb Essiac. 

How does eight herb essiac taste?
Eight herb essiac has a slightly bitter taste. The watercress is the main culprit for this. Some essiac blends don't include watercress, but in fact that herb is crucial to the formula. When you have an essiac tea that doesn't have that slightly bitter taste, it means you don't have the best formula available. Most people grow accustomed to the taste after a couple of weeks of taking essiac tea. It's normal for each batch to look and taste a bit different since this is a natural product and we do not overprocess the herbs beyond what is necessary. 

Since you will generally only be taking 3 oz. at a time, it should not be a problem to drink that small amount even if you don't enjoy the taste. Essiac tea isn't meant to be sipped and savored for pleasure - it's an herbal medicine. It doesn't taste horrible - but most don't find it delicious either. We recommend keeping a glass of orange juice nearby and swishing your mouth out after taking essiac if the taste bothers you. This practice will help counteract the bitter taste, making it more pleasant to take the tea. You may also add stevia to your essiac tea. Go here for more info. on stevia or to order Organic Stevia. The good news is that each time you take the essiac it gets easier. Just about everyone after a week or so can take the tea like it's no big deal, even if that notion seems impossible after the first serving. I know that happened to me! I couldn't believe how fast I got used to it once I began taking it regularly. If you need more essiac taking tips, click here.

Why is there "sludge" at the bottom of my container? Can I throw it out?
The herbs are important to consume as part of each serving. Therefore, please do not strain and throw out the particles at the bottom (some describe it as "mud" or "sludge"). It's important to get some of these particles into each and every serving. Learn more about the value of consuming the essiac herbs here. Capsules, tinctures and pre-made liquid essiac have the herb particles removed and that deviates from what Rene Caisse recommended.

The most effective way to be sure you consume some of the herbs each time you pour a serving for most people is to use a large wooden spoon to stir the pitcher before pouring each serving. You can leave the lid off your container to make this more convenient. Stirring tends to work better than shaking, especially when the pitcher is full. For more info. on consuming the herbs and why it's important, go here.

Should I take the tea hot or cold? Do I need to take it with meals or on an empty stomach?
It is recommended that you drink essiac tea cold just as Rene Caisse recommended. Heating it up again means you have "cooked" it twice. Essiac should be taken on an empty stomach. Take it at least one hour before eating a meal, and at least two hours after your last meal or snack. If you cannot comply with this once in awhile, taking essiac with food is better than not taking it at all, but try your best to follow the schedule. Many folks bring a serving with them in a thermos with a few ice cubes for times when they are out and about.

I am worried I will go hungry.
If you're concerned about being able to eat enough throughout the day, check out this article for guidance on how to eat well and still be able to take essiac on an empty stomach. Keep in mind that natural juices, stevia, black coffee and black tea, prescriptions, vitamins and supplements as well as water are all allowed during the empty stomach time. Read more about what you can take during the empty stomach time here.

Can you use essiac tea topically as a poultice?
Yes you can. However, we recommend using it orally in addition to topically. In other words, prioritize taking the tea orally. Read more about using essiac tea as a poultice.

Can I take essiac in capsule form?
Unfortunately much of the benefit of essiac tea is lost in capsule form. You can read more about that here.

Can I use essiac tea bags?
We don't recommend tea bags because you won't end up consuming the powdered herbs when you use tea bags. You also will not receive the full 12 hour steeping process. Get more info. on the drawbacks of essiac tea bags.

What about essiac extracts?
You guessed it - we don't recommend them because they don't contain all the wonderful substances you will get in the brewed tea with the herbs included - plus there will be extra preservatives. Rene Caisse was adament that you want to take the essiac as-is without added preservatives. Read more about essiac extracts.

essiac herbal tea faqRene Caisse's research showed that essiac tends to work better orally than topically. You may use both methods if you like, but prioritize oral use.

Regarding Our powdered herbs

Why do you use powdered herbs? 
Powdered herbs are more expensive for us to use than whole herbs, but the extra cost we bear is well worth it. This is because powdered herbs make for a more potent brew. With powdered (pulverized) herbs, there is more surface area on the herbs for the extracts to seep into the tea. Anything in powdered form mixes easier and more thoroughly (Kool-Aid type mixes come as a powder for a reason!)

Furthermore, powdered herbs are pulverized to a fine enough consistency that they can remain in the tea and be consumed along with the tea. It is preferred that you consume the herb particles themselves in addition to the tea, as they contain beneficial compounds. This is a similar argument to those who tell you to eat the whole fruit versus drinking the juice or taking a vitamin. By consuming the herbs along with the tea, you won't miss out on any of the important chemical compounds that are part of whole food. 

Are your herbs organic?
7 of our 8 herbs are certified organic. The 8th herb (sheep sorrel including the root) is wild-crafted because we were unable to obtain the sheep sorrel including the roots in sufficient quantities without obtaining a private grower to provide this herb for us. The sheep sorrel is non-irradiated and chemical free.

Are your herbs irradiated? Do they contain chemicals or pesticides?
No! All of our herbs are non-irradiated, chemical-free and pesticide-free. 

Are your herbs fresh?
Yes! Our herbs are incredibly fresh because we sell thousands of pounds of essiac herbs a month. We turn over the majority of our inventory every 1-2 weeks. Many customers have commented on how fresh the herbs look and smell. If you purchase essiac from an outlet that sells more than one herbal formula, you're much more likely to receive stale herbs. Since essiac tea is the only herbal formula we sell, you'll never experience that issue with us. For more on herb quality go here.

How long do the herbs last once purchased? 
They last 2 years from date of purchase. Please store them in a relatively cool, dark place out of direct sunlight, such as in a cupboard. If the room is comfortable enough to live in, it's OK for the herbs to be in, too. It's just best to keep them out of direct sunlight as that will take away from the potency over time.

Where do your herbs come from?
7 of our herbs are sourced from Starwest Botanicals in California. Starwest has the highest standard of testing procedures for their herbs in the United States. One of the herbs (sheep sorrel including the root) comes from a private grower in Arkansas so that we are able to source the whole herb including the roots. This herb is wildcrafted, non-irradiated and chemical free while our other 7 herbs are Certified Organic. For more information, go here: where our herbs come from, and the quality of our herbs. 

I've read that you shouldn't purchase the essiac herbs already mixed, but that it is better to purchase the herbs individually and blend them yourself. Why?
The main reason this is suggested is because there is nothing stopping a company from giving you a cheaper formula that isn't really essiac in order to cut costs. An unscrupulous company might include more of one herb that happens to be less expensive and less of an herb that is more expensive.

However, since the eight herb formula is not public information, you cannot simply decide to make your own essiac blend yourself. Even if you could, another problem is that herbs will cost you much more when you purchase them in small quantities individually rather than in huge bulk orders like we do.

It is a matter of trust and the honor system when you order pre-blended herbs, but we wish to assure you that we would never compromise your health or our business by trying to cut costs. Let's face it - if we were money-hungry people that wished to take advantage of you, we would certainly charge more than we do! Plus, we rely on repeat business to be successful. If our essiac didn't work, no one would ever re-order again andthat would destroy our business pretty quickly.

We cover all our herbs by our 6-Month 100% Money-Back Guarantee - that is for you to see just how sure we are that our product is the very best avaiable, and for you to feel comfortable giving it a try. We also give tons of essiac away for free to those in need, a way that further shows our purpose.

regarding free shipping, shipping options and international orders

Which shipping services do you use?
We use USPS for parcels 10 lb. and under, which is short for the United States Postal Service (the mail). We send all domestic parcels 2-3 Day Priority Mail. Domestic orders over 10 lb. can be shipped your choice via USPS or UPS. We send International Orders via the USPS or UPS method you choose either over the phone or on our secure shopping cart. For more information about how we ship domestically go here. For more information on international shipments, go here.

How much does shipping cost?
Domestic orders 10 lb. or under ship Free via 2-3 Day Priority Mail. If you are ordering a product to be shipped to another country outside of the U.S. or you are ordering more than 10 lb. at a time please contact us about shipping fees, or even faster - you can choose one of our products on our shopping cart and see the prices for yourself after inputting your address. If you'd like us to look up shipping prices for you be sure to include your full name and shipping address as well as the weight of your order so that we can provide an accurate quote.

Why does international shipping cost what it does?
USPS and UPS offer the best rates for the sizes of orders we sent most often. Fed Ex costs on average twice as much for the weight of essiac orders we typically ship which is why we don't offer that unless upon request. If you have a Fed Ex account and want to email us a prepaid label you are more than welcome to do that.

If you decide to purchase essiac at a retail location near you for pick-up to avoid international shipping fees, please be careful - it is highly unlikely that you'll save money. Retail outlets typically charge at least four times as much as we do for essiac - in many cases they charge much, much more. Always calculate out how many months' worth you are getting when you order essiac!

The bottom line is that we offer the absolute best deal of individual orders of essiac you will find anywhere in the world. We back up this statement with our 110% Price-Match Guarantee. 

Do you ship internationally? What does it cost?
Yes, we ship to many countries internationally. To find out how much it costs you can begin to select an order at the shopping cart (go here to select an order which will bring you to the shopping cart), and you be able to enter your address to see a shipping quote in real time. If you are satisfied, you can go ahead and place your order right away. If you don't wish to place your order at that time, you'll be able to leave the screen without ordering.

In addition, you can also always contact us and ask how much it is to ship to your particular country. Just be sure to indicate the essiac order size you're considering, as well as your full name and address, since cost to ship is dependent on weight and precise location. If you have a preference for USPS versus UPS just let us know.

Will the essiac be allowed into my country? What if my package is seized by customs? Will I owe VAT?
Before ordering, it is wise to confirm with you country's regulating bodies that they will allow herbal tea into the country (the vast majority do). We do not write all the ingredients of essiac on the customs slip unless requested - we simply write "herbal tea." We use accurate HS codes to help minimize delays at Customs. 

*EU Customers: You will not owe any VAT when you receive your order.*

We are not responsible for any orders that never arrive to you because they are seized by Customs or other government organizations. Although we rarely have these problems, there is always a risk. We will work with you by trying a second time if it doesn't make it to you the first time, possibly by changing the shipping method and/or documentation. We include a special note that allows the product to be brought into Australia with Australian orders due to the fact that Australia requires it for this particular herbal tea. Customers are solely responsible for any fees or duties to receive our products into the destination country with the exception of Canadian customers who choose a USPS shipping method (we take care of Canadian customs and duties for the customer in advance when they choose USPS as we are able to do it at a guaranteed low fixed rate for orders of 3 lb. 4 oz. or less only). If you are in Canada and you choose UPS (often the cheaper service for Canada) be prepared to pay your own taxes and duties as our system only allows us to pay for them for you using USPS.

How soon can I expect my shipment to arrive?
We ship on Tuesdays and Fridays. All orders received by approximately 12pm EST on Tuesday and Friday make the shipping cutoff for that day. Orders coming in after those times are shipped out on the next shipping date.

Note - If you have an urgent need for your order to be shipped on another day of the week, please call your order in to 1-978-504-9517 and let us know. We will do our best to accommodate you.
We ship U.S. orders via Priority Mail and after we've shipped it takes 2-3 business days on average to arrive to your door. For international orders, speed varies widely but can be estimated on using the ship from zip code "01830." In very rare instances international orders to certain countries can take 4-6 weeks to arrive to you if they get held up at customs and unfortunately if that happens to your parcel there is nothing we can do to expedite it. That is not the norm, but it does happen. Please plan accordingly. It is normal for USPS tracking to show when the herbs leave the U.S. but not update again until the herbs arrive in your country and clear customs. There will not be a daily update in most cases, so don't panic if you fail to see an update for awhile. UPS updates are normally more regular.

Do you have distributors such as other websites or retail stores with your tea who are closer to me?
We don't have many, and we don't have many set up in other countries either. You will never find a better deal than you will find right here, especially since we offer free priority shipping within the U.S. To save on shipping internationally, strive to purchase at least 3 lb. 4 oz. of herbs at once for your best value.

essiac questions and answersOrdering essiac tea rather than trying to buy it in person is the most affordable way to buy genuine essiac.

regarding packaging, preparation and storage of essiac tea

What type of packaging will my essiac arrive in?
Your herbs will arrive in the specified number of 1 oz., 4 oz. or 1 lb. sealed and labeled packets. We use food grade polybags. These units are stand-alone packages complete with brewing and serving size instructions included (They DO NOT have our website or our contact info. on the label in the event that you wish to resell them. The other side of the bag is blank and you can include your contact information on that side with your own label if you like).

Do you have photos of what these products look like?
Yes! Go here: Essiac Product List

How do I prepare my essiac tea?
For adult use please visit: How To Brew Essiac. For brewing for most pets or small children visit: Brewing essiac in small batches.

How come you don't recommend that we brew the tea twice like some companies do?
Most likely, companies that ask you to bring the tea to a boil twice are using regular (not powdered) herbs. It's harder to get the medicinal extract out of large herb particles, hence the need to boiling twice. Dr. Charles Brusch and Rene Caisse have studied the various brewing methods and never found an additional benefit to brewing powdered herbs twice. 

How should I store my essiac herbs?
Store the herbs in the packaging they arrived in. Keep them in a relatively cool, dark place. As long as the room is a temperature that humans can live, the essiac will be fine. It's best, for example, to keep it out of direct sunlight or in a locked car on a warm day, especially for prolonged periods of time. Unopened packets of herbs stay fresh for up to two years from date of purchase.

Can I freeze the herbs or the brewed tea?
We don't recommend it. Freezing the herbs or the tea could destroy some of the beneficial compounds in the herbs. If you are planning to be away on vacation, try to brew only the amount you will use before you go. The powdered herbs keep for up to 2 years from date of purchase when you have kept them in a relatively cool, dark place.

How should I store my essiac tea once I've brewed it?
Your brewed essiac tea must be refrigerated, since there are no additives or preservatives in this product. Avoid storing brewed tea for longer than two to three weeks, because the tea may spoil. Store your tea in any pitcher you'd normally use for iced tea or lemonade. Dark bottles are not necessary because your refrigerator is dark inside anyway (hence, negligible opportunity for the tea to experience light damage). Clean your container thoroughly with hot water and soap before using them to store your tea each time you brew a new batch.

How much essiac tea should I take? 
Please visit: Essiac Tea Serving Size Recommendations

How should I take essiac tea for detoxification?
Detoxification typically is something that is done for a fixed period of time. Click here for more information on essiac for detoxification purposes. 

regarding your essiac tea order

When can I expect to receive my order?
If you order with a credit card online or over the phone, we process and ship your order by the next Tuesday or Friday - whichever comes first. Cutoff for orders is approximately 12pm EST on Tuesday and Friday. If you require shipping on a different day, please call in your order at 1-978-504-9517 and it can be arranged in most cases. Please place repeat orders as soon as you're using your last packet or two of herbs so that you do not run out of essiac waiting for your order to arrive, especially during Holiday season when mail can be unpredictable.  

Do you provide tracking numbers?
We currently use USPS for our free priority shipping within the U.S. since they have by far the lowest cost and fastest service for the typical size essiac order. USPS does not provide tremendously detailed tracking information minute-by-minute. However, the tracking available will be emailed to you as long as you provide an email address. You will see information like when the product has been shipped and when it has been delivered at a minimum.

If your order is taking longer than 3 days from the Tuesday or Friday ship day to arrive and you do not see any updates on the tracking system, feel free to contact us. However, note that international orders will not update while the essiac is being shipped overseas. The tracking will update again once the tea is on land and has cleared customs in your country.

Do you include instructions with the orders?
Yes, we include dosing instructions, brewing instructions, and contact information should you need further product support. The instructions we send are in ounces. If you prefer instructions in grams and mL, please specify that by using the comments section of the shopping cart when you order. You can also go here to see them: Metric Instructions.

What supplies do I need?
We suggest using a large stainless steel pot, a wooden spoon and a pitcher such as they type you'd store iced tea or lemonade in. If you are buying 1 lb. bags and not the smaller packets, we recommend you use a kitchen scale as well. If you don't have a kitchen scale (they cost around $10) you can use measuring cups in the meantime. 4 oz. and 1 oz. bags do not require the kitchen scale or the measuring cups. For examples of the necessary supplies click here.

Do you offer live customer support for ordering?
Yes. You can call 1-978-504-9517 anytime. We answer the phone 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. In the rare event that we aren't able to pick up, please leave a message and we will call you back ASAP.

essiac f.a.q.Give us a call. We are the essiac experts and we love to help.


Do you have other products besides essiac?
We do carry another product which pairs up well with essiac. Stevia is a dietary supplement that many folks add to their essiac tea. Click here for more info. on stevia or to order Organic Stevia. We also carry CBD which many folks find pairs well with essiac. CBD can be faster-acting which is helpful while you are waiting for the essiac to kick in. Click here to see our CBD products.

Do I need to take other supplements if I want to get well?
Not in our experience. From what we have seen in the research, combined with anecdotal evidence, we know that essiac works as a stand alone product. Trust us, if there were something else that worked as well or was necessary, we would be selling it! Learn more about taking essiac with other supplements.

Do you have a catalog?
Yes! Click here to claim your copy of our brochure: Get your digital essiac brochure instantly, or request a brochure either emailed to you or sent in the mail. 

What is your return and order cancellation policy?
Please visit: Return/Refund Policy. In short, you cannot cancel an order once placed, but you may return any unwanted product that you haven't opened within 30 days of purchase.

Why don't you have a retail location?
Our goal at is to provide you authentic, high quality, low cost essiac. We understand that there is a financial burden that comes along with illness and we make it a priority to keep this product affordable for you. The only way we can sell essiac at such a low price is to limit our overhead costs which includes not offering a storefront. Domestic Priority Shipping is free.

We answer the phone 9am-9pm ET 7 days per week. In the rare instance we don't pick up, please leave a message and we will call you right back. We respond to e-mails within 24 hours Monday through Saturday. To e-mail us please use our contact form. To talk to someone please call us at 1-978-504-9517. If you are in a rush for a response, calling on the phone is your best bet.

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You can also see our Favorite Links we share on those platforms here.

hear more about essiac does and how to make it from danielle rocco, health coach

Disclaimer: Essiac is not FDA tested and has not been FDA approved as a treatment or cure for any health problem. We do not represent it as such on this site. You must determine whether essiac is a product you should pursue. We have provided accounts and descriptions that represent the opinions of a variety of experts as well as actual users of essiac. This Essiac Tea FAQ is a collection of that information. We believe that our formula is the best that money can buy. However, we do not endorse anything on this site as medical fact.