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medical researchers provide their thoughts on essiac tea

watch the march 2023 webinar

Medical researchers answer all the questions that you have about essiac tea. This is a lengthy call but it's information-packed! Sit down and enjoy.

Esther Black hosted the call and is an alternative health guru.

Leonel Mondragon speaks on the call. He is an MD senior student at the River Plate Adventist University school of medicine in Puiggari, Argentina. He is an intern at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council. He has published 2 papers and is about to publish one retrospective study regarding cancer incidence with malaria and a clinical trial phase 1 with healthcare workers exposed to ionizing radiation with X rays from work. Leonel is currently finishing final exams in order to finish his medical career.

Verónica Martínez Marignac PhD has experience in scientific research and academic teaching. She was a teacher at the undergraduate and postgraduate level in Argentina and in Canada. As a genetics student (UNAM) and a PhD student, she worked in human population genetics, molecular anthropology, human biology and bioethics. As a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Toronto (UofT), she studied the use of polymorphism and microsatellites in determining the risk of suffering from complex diseases and she was also a teaching assistant in forensic genetics. At the UofT Department of Chemistry she was trained on the in vitro techniques for cancer research and used DNA-binding protein cloning, expression, and purification techniques. As Research Associate, at McGill University and at the Montreal Jewish General Hospital studied the biochemical response to anticancer drugs in breast cancer, colon cancer, lymphoma and leukemia with animal models and commercial and primary cell lines. Currently, as director of IBioGeM, she promote studies in metabolism rewiring and the biology of colon cancer as well as interdisciplinary work in radiobiology and genetics.

Bryan Paulhus, owner of also speaks on the merits of essiac tea. Bryan has over 30 years of experience working with essiac tea.

stage 4 lung cancer testimonial

medical research is underway to help us understand better about how and why essiac tea works

If you would like to know more about past research on essiac tea, check out the book The Essiac Report by Richard Thomas - now available online!

You can also review this Preclinical Trial on Essiac Tea from 2019. The conclusion was that Essiac tea is non toxic and it acts as a radioprotector against very low doses of IR. Read now.

medical research essiac

purchase your own supply of authentic essiac tea as featured in this call

If you would like to purchase the same essiac tea that's mentioned in this call, check out our popular order sizes below.

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Our Essiac takes just 10 minutes to make once every two weeks. It costs less than $1 per day to use.

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Click here to order our most popular supply of Essiac tea! It will last six months at the Aggressive/Improvement of Health serving size and costs less than $1 per day to use.

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If you'd rather start small, you can order 1 lb. of Essiac in four 4-oz. packets by clicking here. This order lasts two months at the Aggressive/Improvement of Health dose, or three months at the Maintenance serving size. If you're not sure which serving size you need, click here to learn.

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