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you've found the best essiac tea brand

our herb quality and authentic formula makes this the best essiac tea brand out there

We are proud to say that we are the best Essiac Tea brand money can buy. Our Essiac herb quality is of the utmost importance to us. We choose the herbs we need for our formula based on which herb companies can offer us the highest quality organic herbs at the lowest price so that we can keep the costs of our products affordable. Go here for our Essiac Tea Certificate of Analysis.

All of our herbs undergo rigorous testing for quality control, safety and purity. Go here to view information on herb quality control from the company who supplies us. 

best essiac tea brandWe are 100% confident that we are the best essiac tea brand out there.

***We use the entire sheep sorrel plant, including the roots, in our formula! It's 20% root.***

The eight Essiac herbs (blessed thistle, burdock root, kelp, sheep sorrel, slippery elm bark, red clover, turkey rhubarb root, and watercress) come from Starwest Botanicals, Inc. in California. The herb quality from Starwest is second to none. Go here to view information on herb quality control from the company who supplies us.

essiac herb quality: moisture content and freshness

essiac herb quality

The moisture content of our herbs are: 12-15% moisture content for the blessed thistle, sheep sorrel, and kelp, and less than 10% for the burdock root, red clover, slippery elm bark, watercress, and turkish rhubarb root.

Our herbs are incredibly fresh because we sell thousands of pounds of Essiac every month. We turn over our entire inventory of herbs every 2-3 weeks! Furthermore, quite often when we order our herbs from the suppliers they cannot provide us with them because they haven't even received their newest shipment yet. This means that our suppliers' herbs are super fresh, too! They just can't keep up with all the Essiac we are selling!

cancer remission essiac testimonialTestimonials like this online are what keep us excited about our work!

Many of our customers have commented on how fresh our herbs look, smell, and taste. If you purchase Essiac from a store that sells many different herbal formulas, you're much more likely to receive stale herbs. However, we specialize in Essiac and we sell a lot of it. Because of this, we never have stale herbs sitting around! Herb quality can certainly deteriorate as the months and years go by, and you'd be shocked at how old the herbs can be from companies who don't specialize in Essiac like we do.

shelf life of the herbs

why powdered herbs are best

Powdered herbs are made by crushing or pulverizing whole herbs. The resulting herbs look like what you see inside a tea bag.

Powdered herbs make a more potent brew. This is because there is more surface area on powdered herbs, which better allows the extracts to seep into the tea. Anything in powdered form mixes easier and more thoroughly (Kool-Aid comes as a powder, not a hard stick, for a reason!) Furthermore, powdered herbs are fine enough that they can be consumed along with the tea. This is beneficial because herbal medicine is not an exact science - no one knows for sure how some of the herbs work their magic. 

If you consume the herb particles in addition to the tea itself (which is only possible when you brew powdered herbs) your body will receive all of the beneficial compounds present in the herbs (This is a similar argument to those who tell you to eat the whole fruit versus drink just the juice or swallow a capsule. By consuming the herbs along with the tea, you won't miss out on any of the important compounds included in the whole food). In fact, we believe so strongly in the powdered form of Essiac that we carry only Essiac made from powdered herbs. The best Essiac Tea brand is always the one that's made from powdered herbs.

we believe so much in the eight herb essiac...we won't sell anything else.

The first Essiac in use by the Canadian nurse Rene Caisse was in fact eight herb Essiac. Four herb Essiac (with three herbs drank as a tea and one herb injected) was tested for a brief period of time but was never widely used by Caisse and was never accepted as a superior formula by her.

In our years of experience with Essiac, we have observed that four herb Essiac is not nearly as effective in improving health as eight herb Essiac. Approximately 80% of our customers who were once ill believe eight herb Essiac is a big component of their recovery from cancer, diabetes, and other health problems. We haven't seen nearly as much success in those using four herb Essiac in our experience. 

We have tens of thousands of satisfied customers who are healthy and continue to take eight herb Essiac at maintenance dose after their test results have returned to normal. They will attest to the efficacy of eight herb Essiac and to the fact that they believe it is superior to four herb blends.

We would probably make more money if we sold both eight herb and four herb Essiac, because some people have been mislead to believe that four herb Essiac is better or is the "genuine" Essiac. However, we refuse to compromise ethics simply to make a few extra bucks.

the bottom line.

Please know that we test each and every batch to ensure our Essiac herb quality is at the highest it can be. We only ship herbs of the highest quality to our customers.

To read about how some companies attempt to mislead you by calling their formula "Authentic Essiac" go here. The best Essiac Tea brand isn't the Original - it's the one that was improved upon via further research by Rene Caisse. 

Click here to read our answers to other Frequently Asked Questions about Essiac.

order our most popular size of essiac tea today

Our Essiac takes just 10 minutes to make once every two weeks. It costs less than $1 per day to use.

buy essiac tea

Click here to order our most popular supply of Essiac tea! It will last six months at the Aggressive/Improvement of Health serving size and costs less than $1 per day to use.

order essiac tea

If you'd rather start small, you can order 1 lb. of Essiac in four 4-oz. packets by clicking here. This order lasts two months at the Aggressive/Improvement of Health dose, or three months at the Maintenance serving size. If you're not sure which serving size you need, click here to learn.

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