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all the Essiac Nutrition info you need is right here.

check out our detailed essiac nutrition facts. Most companies can't offer such great detail when it comes to product contents.

Many people ask us about the Essiac nutrition facts, as well as the presence of contaminants such as lead or mercury. Luckily for you, we have a recent Certificate of Analysis conducted by a third-party lab, as well as a Nutrition Facts sheet that you can look at.

essiac tea nutritionIt's important that we learn what we are putting into our body when we take essiac!

Essiac is blend of eight herbs in particular ratios, all of which are known to have immune-boosting, gentle detox and health-promoting properties. When taken together in the form of a brewed tea, Essiac is believed to strengthen the immune system and purify the body of toxins. As a result, the body becomes more capable of fighting off illness and disease using its own resources - just as nature intended!

Essiac contains eight herbs. They are: blessed thistle, burdock root, kelp, sheep sorrel (including the root), slippery elm bark, red clover, turkish rhubarb root, and watercress. The formula is a synergistic one, meaning that the combination of the herbs in specific ratios creates a result beyond what you'd get when you just take the herbs one by one. The herbs work together in a way that increases the effects.

essiac nutrition

Essiac is called a tea because of the fact that it is brewed, but it isn't taken like traditional tea that you’d have alongside your afternoon snack. It is brewed in a large batch (most typically a gallon) and stored in the refrigerator. The recommended dose is most typically 3 oz. at a time, which is just under 1/2 cup of liquid measure. It's best not to re-heat the tea once it's made, as you will over process it. If you cannot drink it cold, you can leave it out for an hour or so to take it at room temperature. If you are out and about, you can bring your serving with you in a thermos with a few ice cubes to ensure that you can take it on an empty stomach as directed.

essiac gout

In some health food stores, you will see Essiac being sold under the brand name "Flor Essence." The same eight Essiac herbs are found in that formula as you'll find in ours. 

If you encounter four herb Essiac, please be aware that it's an outdated formula that was since improved upon by Rene Caisse. Rene Caisse learned through her research at the Brusch Medical Research Center from 1959 through 1967 that the eight herb tea worked better and that was her final suggestion on what Essiac formula was best to use moving forward.

Please let us know if you have any other Essiac nutrition questions! We are happy to help. 

order our most popular size of essiac tea today

Our Essiac takes just 10 minutes to make once every two weeks. It costs less than $1 per day to use.

buy essiac tea

Click here to order our most popular supply of Essiac tea! It will last six months at the Aggressive/Improvement of Health serving size and costs less than $1 per day to use.

order essiac tea

If you'd rather start small, you can order 1 lb. of Essiac in four 4-oz. packets by clicking here. This order lasts two months at the Aggressive/Improvement of Health dose, or three months at the Maintenance serving size. If you're not sure which serving size you need, click here to learn.

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