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authentic essiac is the organic eight herb formula approved by rene caisse and dr. charles brusch

never settle for anything but authentic essiac when it comes to your health

It is important that you use authentic Essiac to reap the benefits you have heard are possible when using Essiac Tea. While the four herb formulas probably do have some beneficial effect, Rene Caisse and Dr. Charles Brusch found the eight herb formula to be most effective. 

the real essiac teaDon't settle for less - be sure you obtain the authentic eight herb essiac that Rene Caisse found outperformed all others in her research.

Click here for the full story on eight herb Essiac - and the clinical trials performed on it.

***We use the entire sheep sorrel plant, including the roots, in our formula! Our sheep sorrel is 20% root.***

It is important to differentiate between the terms "original" and "authentic" in order to understand how to choose the best Essiac available.

Like with anything, original versions of medicines, herbal or otherwise, aren't necessarily the best.

In fact, it's very rare that the first version of absolutely anything is the best! Usually, when a new product is produced, scientists conduct research on it, experiments are performed, and then the product is tested in the real world for results. Herbal formulas are no different.

An "authentic" product is one that is 100% what it says it is on the label, and one that it is of the highest quality. Our essiac formula is the essiac tea tested and recommended by Rene Caisse. Accept no imitation!

the beginning of essiac

Essiac was used by Native Americans for the purpose of treating maladies back in a time when there was little or no cancer. It is interesting to note that this original Essiac was not actually created with the goal of treating cancer in mind.

While Rene Caisse was working as a nurse in a hospital, one of her patients gave her some of this Essiac and told Caisse that she was using it to treat her cancer. Rene Caisse was astounded to learn that the woman's cancer had been reversed! However, this version of Essiac was not effective in every case; in fact, quite a few people died in spite of being treated with the original Essiac.

modifications to the essiac formula began

After many years of research, doctors developed a version of the Essiac formula that was to be injected into the patient. Treatment by injection turned out to yield more consistent results in these patients. All of this information has been documented in a hand-written testimonial by Rene Caisse as well as signed papers by staff physicians.

Rene Caisse attempted to get permission from the Canadian Ministry of Health to give physicians throughout Canada the go-ahead to inject the authentic Essiac formula - but she didn't get anywhere. Around that time, Dr. Brusch's older brother had heard about Caisse's work and decided to research the information himself. However, he too was unsuccessful with convincing the Canadian Government to officially recognize the formula.

One of the formulas being tested was an injectable four herb version. This four herb formula was never meant to be consumed orally! In 1959, Rene Caisse decided to take further action. Since physicians weren't allowed to inject this Essiac formula without government approval, she was concerned that this valuable formula may be lost forever.

Dr. Charles Brusch invited Rene Caisse to the Brusch Medical Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in an attempt to develop an oral formula that carried the same efficacy level as the injection. The reason behind this move was that there were fewer rules and regulations surrounding tea made to drink as opposed to an injection.

bladdar cancer testimonial

resperin corp. gains preliminary rights to the essiac formula

In 1977, Rene Caisse signed over the four herb formula to Resperin Corp. of Canada under the stipulation that Resperin complete clinical tests on the formula. The agreement granted permission for the use of Essiac for research only, and dictated that if they did not complete these tests, Dr. Charles Brusch would have complete control of the formula (Dr. Brusch and Caisse had performed clinical tests on Essiac together in the 1960s). It turns out that Resperin breached the contract by never completing the tests, but the formula still remained with them.

Authentic essiacRene Caisse and Dr. Charles Brusch (L) conducting research on the authentic essiac formula in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1959.

Dr. charles brusch gains control of the authentic essiac formula

Upon completion of the research, an oral Essiac formula was developed that contained eight herbs, including the four herbs from the formula that was designed to be injected. Exclusive rights to the formula were left to Dr. Charles Brusch in 1977 (a year prior to Rene Caisse's death). This authentic Essiac formula was deemed to be the most effective formula to date - even more so than the original Essiac formula.

The New, Improved Authentic Essiac Formula was born

The eight herb formula Rene Caisse revealed to Dr. Charles Brusch contained: Burdock Root, Blessed Thistle, Kelp, Red Clover, Sheep Sorrel, Slippery Elm Back, Turkey Rhubarb Root, and Watercress. Brusch performed eight years of clinical research on this oral form of Essiac and was confident in it's efficacy. He even took it himself when he fell ill with cancer. Brusch made the claim that this eight herb Essiac cured his own cancer.

Many folks have questions about using capsules, tinctures or tea bags. During the variety of clinical trials held in Cambridge at the Brusch Medical Research Center, Brusch and Caisse experimented with Essiac capsules, tablets, and tinctures, among other methods. Time and time again, the method of administering treatment that resulted in the most potent and effective formula was to return the herbs to the liquid after brewing, a.k.a. to make your own Essiac Tea using powdered herbs with the herbs included in the mixture. 

essiac tea lives on

Rene Caisse passed away in 1978, and Dr. Brusch passed away in 1993. The eight herb authentic Essiac formula that was found to be superior in the Brusch clinical trials is the most effective form of Essiac Tea available. We recommend consuming it just as it was in those studies: in brewed tea form (avoid using pills, capsules, or tea bags) and taken on an empty stomach.

Have other questions about "authentic Essiac" and our Essiac Tea? Visit our Essiac Tea FAQ page.

order our most popular size of essiac tea today

Our Essiac takes just 10 minutes to make once every two weeks. It costs less than $1 per day to use.

buy essiac tea

Click here to order our most popular supply of Essiac tea! It will last six months at the Aggressive/Improvement of Health serving size and costs less than $1 per day to use.

order essiac tea

If you'd rather start small, you can order 1 lb. of Essiac in four 4-oz. packets by clicking here. This order lasts two months at the Aggressive/Improvement of Health dose, or three months at the Maintenance serving size. If you're not sure which serving size you need, click here to learn.

Click here to order our most popular size of authentic essiac.

Disclaimer: Essiac is not FDA tested and has not been FDA approved as a treatment or cure for any health problem, including cancer. We do not represent it as such on this site. You must determine whether Essiac is a product you should pursue. We have provided accounts and descriptions that represent the opinions of a variety of experts as well as actual users of Essiac. We believe that our formula is the best Essiac formula being sold in the world, and that our Essiac Tea ingredients are of the highest quality. However, we do not endorse anything on this site as medical fact.

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