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how to go about brewing small batches of essiac

Brewing small batches of Essiac is better in certain circumstances. Learn how to brew small Essiac batches if someone is taking less than 9 oz. of tea per day (9 oz. of tea is the aggressive/improvement of health dose for adults). If you are in fact taking the 9 oz. per day, then a small batch is not appropriate - you should use the regular brewing instructions.

Examples of someone who takes less than the 9 oz. per day would be an adult on the maintenance dose, or kids/small pets who need to take less Essiac than that each day. In these instances, making one gallon at a time is too much because the tea only keeps for up to 2 weeks in the fridge (we do not use additives or preservatives). In that case, you can use the instructions below!

Brewing Small batches of Essiac:  Instructions

First, decide whether you want to make 1 Quart of Essiac Tea or 1 PintSteps 1 and 2 will vary depending on how much tea you wish to brew at once.  Steps 3 through 5 of these instructions are the same regardless of your size brew.

brewing small batches of essiacBecause this product has no preservatives added, it's best to brew enough essiac to last two weeks or shorter.

to make 1 quart of essiac tea

1. Bring 33 oz. of water to a boil and reduce to a simmer.

2. Add 1 oz. (28.25 grams) of the Essiac herbs blend. Please weigh your herbs on a kitchen scale to ensure you have the correct amount (A very rough approximation of 1 oz. herbs in dry weight is a rounded 1/4 cup dry measurement cup).

to make 1 pint of essiac tea

1. Bring 18 oz. of water to a boil.

2. Add 1/2 oz. (14g) of the Essiac herbs blend. Please weigh your herbs on a kitchen scale to ensure you have the correct amount (A very rough approximation is 1/8 cup if you use a dry measurement cup). 

and the rest of the instructions for either size appear here:

3. Simmer for ten minutes, stirring occasionally. Cover the pan partially to reduce evaporation.

4. Turn the heat off, cover the pan and leave the mixture sitting at room temperature for twelve hours.

5. The following day, stir the tea and pour into a container of your choice (the type you'd use for iced tea or lemonade is fine). Refrigerate.

Do not strain out the herbs. The herbs increase the efficacy level of the tea - it's best to leave them in the tea so that you can consume them. Since they are powdered herbs, this is perfectly safe and healthy.

Shake or stir the container vigorously before pouring the dosages. 

Do not brew Essiac Tea more than two weeks ahead: after that, spoilage may result and the tea may not be as effective. 

this video shows one gallon being made, but the steps are the same for smaller batches of essiac tea as well!

ordering essiac packets appropriate for brewing small batches of essiac

brewing one quart of essiac

Click here to order the 1 oz. packets, which work well for adults on maintenance dose, or pets or kids.

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