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essiac cat success story: maggie beat stage 4 lymphoma

maggie was given 1-2 months to live, even with medication. 9 months later she is still here - and cancer free!

Our latest Essiac cat success story is not only close to home - it's actually in our home!

Maggie is 8. She is normally full of spunk, but she hadn't been acting like herself lately and was having trouble keeping food down. We brought her to the vet hoping there was a simple explanation.

essiac cat success story

To our shock, she was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. We got this news last January.

cat intestinal mass
cat lymphoma

Maggie was given 1-2 months to live, and the doctor said she would only live that long if she took prednolosone. We were heartbroken. Our immediate thoughts of course went to, "We have to try Essiac!" However, we weren't sure if she would easily take the Essiac, and we also weren't sure if we had enough time. Essiac can take up to 6 months to work, and we had been told there was not much time left.

Nevertheless, we embarked on a regimen of the prednolosone as well as Essiac Tea twice per day. We weren't going to say goodbye to our precious kitty without a fight.

how to give essiac to your cat

We followed the dosing chart by weight for her Essiac Tea that is found here. Because she's just under 10 lb, we give her 7 mL twice a day.

We first tried giving her Essiac in broth. It took a bit of experimenting, but she preferred the tuna from Wild Planet that we first got at Whole Foods. That was the only broth that got her to take the Essiac consistently. We added the broth from one packet to the 7 mL of Essiac. We ate a lot of tuna at that time. 😂

after while, we started ordering the tuna online to save money:

Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. Read full privacy policy here.

Click here to see the brand we love.

If you do give your cat Essiac in chicken or beef broth, be sure the one you choose is onion and garlic free. 

here is a brand of broth that fits the bill:

Click here to order Brutis Bone Broth.
You can also find it at Petco.

Keep in mind, with pets you don't need to give them the sediment that you have at the bottom of the pitcher after preparing Essiac Tea. The liquid alone is fine, so don't shake or stir the serving because you can allow the herbs to float to the bottom and not use them when you're giving it to a cat or dog.

if one method doesn't work, try another!

After awhile, Maggie stopped taking the broth. We switched over to giving her Essiac by syringe. At first it seemed easier to do this with two people, but now we have it down to where we can easily do it with one person. We swadle her with a blanket and have the filled up syringe nearby. We tilt her head back a little and slowly pour the tea into her mouth from the side. We normally fill up the syringe to 10 mL. That way, if we lose some, we know she still got the 7 mL into her. If she is resistent to swallowing which happens from time to time, stroking her throat helps. Everyone is used to the routine at this point.

you can see the syringe we use here:

View it here

our visit back to the vet was a happy one

A few months after her cancer diagnosis in January, we brought her back to the vet for a check up. Although she seemed to be feeling much better and had been keeping every speck of food down, we were still nervous. The vet declared there was no sign of cancer at all! The vet was shocked and asked us what we did. We mentioned Essiac Tea and he wrote the information down! I really hope he tells other pet owners about it.

cat cancer free essiac

Since all is well, after six months we have moved her down to one serving of Essiac per day. We are meeting with the vet again this month and will consider taking her off the prednolosone if the vet feels that is warrented. We were told it was OK to leave her on it for life, but we would prefer to keep her medication free moving forward if possible, especially because we will also be using Essiac Tea for the rest of her life for support.

We are tremendously grateful for every extra day we have had with her. Even though we have full confidence in our product, even I will admit it's scary when cancer actually hits your family! The same thing happened when my father-in-law came down with Stage 3 Lung Cancer, which he also beat with Essiac (and only Essiac, in his case - he declined traditional treatment).

We have confidence that the Essiac Tea was what made the difference for Maggie. The vet said she would have only a 1% chance of living more than 1-2 months even with the prednolosone. It's already been 9 months and she is happy and healthy. What a gift!

How Long will it take for the essiac to work once I start giving it to my pet?

This can vary very much from one pet the next. Some pets, like Maggie, show improvement right away.  However, research shows that the 4 1/2 to 6 month mark is when changes typically occur. Stick with it!

order essiac for your cat today


Click here to order Essiac for a Cat in 1 oz. packets.

essiac herbs cat

Click here to order a 1 lb. bulk bag for a cat.

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